Tenesso is made in Germany
International network
The MBH headquarter is in Germany, nearby Stuttgart. Our customers are spread over the whole globe. On the Chinese market we are represented with an own establishment and we mentor our numerous customers in the silicon wafer and sapphire glass production from there.
Long-term experience
Our widespread experience in the production of high-performance plastics provides you the assurance, that you bet on the right material with Tenesso. Thanks to our close contact to diamond wire producers and mechanical engineers we are able to enhance our products steadily and increase our lead.
Your development partner
Since we don’t sell only pre-products but rather produce final products, many of our clients use us not only as a supplier but also as a development partner. Together we develop solutions with Tenesso which are customized to your individual requirements.
On-site quality management
To ensure the excellent quality of our Tenesso products we trust in high-speed CNC Matrix Monitoring with Hexagon Optiv. In this way we recognize smallest differences already in the production. Furthermore we can help you to examine applications faults.